Instantly track VFX changes across picture edits
Our revolutionary apps work with your EDLs and shot locators, so you’ll know every revision in minutes.
Creating a powerful visual effects sequence requires a reliable track record of the work.
Comparator app will utilize your shot locators to quickly assess when shots have been added or deleted to an edit. It will also spot duplicate shot names for dupe detection.
The real deal. RealSync
RealSync is a post-production conform tool, designed to assist VFX teams stay on top of picture changes. By comparing the EDL data from an edit timeline, RealSync lets you know what changes have been made to the VFX shots.
Our RealSync app is everything your team needs to take VFX shot tracking to the next level.
Take the next step to optimize your VFX workflow.
Your shot list can be used in ways you never imagined. Check out the possibilites with our game-changing apps.